Saturday, October 16, 2010

Project Bike

Sorry I haven't been around, just been dealing with a lot of stuff to get ready for the new house. Closings on the 22nd!

So yea check it out this is my 1960 Harley Davidson Super-10:

Messy garage is messy, my dad and uncle got this thing in the early 80's. My dad bought his brothers half out then when I was born it became mine. So it basically sat around for 21 years till I got around to doing anything with it.

I Started working on it early this year and with a ton of help from my uncle (not the same one who owned part of the bike) and It is now at this point:

Its a big jump going from the orange to this gorgeous Seafoam Green / Vanilla Shake Scheme. I think it really gives the bike a great 50's - 60's look. I had no budget to get things re-chromed so everything is painted. Except for the spokes which are all brand new.

Everything is on hold till after the move, there is still work to be done but it is closer to the finish then beginning.

If anyone is interested in seeing the work to get to this point let me know, I have pics of most of the process and can have a post up in the next few days.


  1. Thats crazy

    old bike is old

  2. The old paint job is bad. the new one might be worse...I hate seafoam.

  3. interesting, I like this... keep up the good work

  4. Very nice paint job done. I hope you post more picture soon and maybe some video of you riding it when you get it all done.

  5. @Drackar
    Well can't please everybody, I happen to think it looks very nice on the bike. The old paint was actually brushed on in the 70's lol.

    I probably won't be riding it anytime soon, to put it bluntly the bike was definitely not built with the fat man in mind. Its 165cc and the seat springs and front shocks cant really take anything over 195lbs.

  6. interesting, I like this... keep up the good work

  7. that's quite the Harley project you have there..

  8. great post, btw check out my stoner girls pics^^

  9. friend Sparrow would totally drool over that Harley, as for me I just love the paint job. As you said, it reminds one of vanilla shakes...and mint.

  10. that's a pretty badass bike, gonna follow this.

    check my blog sometime if you can.

  11. show us pics of the process, plz

  12. very beautiful moto-bikes

  13. I love the old bikes, you can do a lot of funny stuff with them. Not like the new ones.

  14. Wow! I love it! Nice paint job, i wish i could do stuff like this. :)

    Check my blog for what i've been up to :)
