Sunday, September 19, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Not going to have much to post today got to do some work to my Van. So ill throw up another video from another Artist I like.

Voltair - This guy does a lot of Gothy/Satirical/Dark Humor/Geeky stuff, definitely not going to fit everyone's taste but some may like it.


  1. cool!suppin bro :)
    check both my blogs are interesting! ;)

  2. not the beest, but it is really interesting

  3. Never heard of this guy before. but this song sounds a little like another I know.. i just can't recall which it is right now.

  4. Doesn't really fit my taste, but therein lies the beauty of the diversity of our world. Don't conform man, like what you like and be who you are! Keep these thoughts coming.

    peace, readin' daily


  5. not really my taste of music, but the video was great!

  6. @Defkon I definitely know what you mean, sounds so familiar
